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Swagelok Alabama | Central & South Florida | West Tennessee

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Compressed Gas Leak Detection

Compressed Gas Leak Detection

Leaks cost you time, money, and can compromise safety. A small leak in a facility using compressed air at 100 psig can waste more than $22,000 annually. With pressures like these, you need a high-performance resource. Swagelok helps control and prevent leakage with our comprehensive program of analysis and recommendations. Swagelok's expertise lets you get to the source of the problem - every time. 

Improve efficiency in everyday plant operations by: 

  • Increasing reliability, reducing energy consumption, and reducing emissions due to component failures, installation errors, and incorrect product selection.
  • Reducing energy loss in everyday plant operations.
  • Reducing operating costs associated with gas leaks.

Our goal is to help you achieve zero leakage through Swagelok's Compressed Gas Leak Detection Program by identifying gas system leaks at your facility. We use the UE ultrasonic system to quickly quantify leaks throughout your facility. At the end of the energy survey, our engineers will present an analysis of leak types, severity, brand, total cost and recommended correction action plan.


If you're ready to meet with one of our Energy Emission Specialists, give us a call at 205.988.4812 or email us at