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Swagelok Alabama | Central & South Florida | West Tennessee

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Outage Inventory Management

Prepare for your outage with our consignment-based inventory system that provides immediate on-site availability of pre-selected critical components. Throughout the outage, we will regularly replenish the cabinet to maintain a steady stock of commonly used items. 

As a pre-approved vendor, PO processing is made easy. The billing process is also simplified since you will only be charged for what is used as they are devoted to the appropriate budget. We will work with your planning group to coordinate the logistics of the cabinets to ensure a newly stocked cabinet arrives prior to each outage, setup with the specified level of controlled access. 

Benefits to you: 

  • Immediate availability of critical components
  • Consignment system in which you’re only billed for what you use
  • We provide onsite restocking of components used
  • Smart billing for appropriate budgeting
  • One line item ordering makes PO generation easier
  • Varying levels of controlled access available

Let us become your outage inventory management partner. Contact us today!